Friday, November 9, 2012

Coconut Pancakes with Berry Sauce

Hello everyone! I am sorry it has been so long since my last post! School has been hectic and I have been going to the gym everyday so I haven't had time to get creative with my food. But this week, I finally made a fun new breakfast pancake! I started off by making my fried bananas and then making an egg-white fritatta with them; then the idea came to make a fried banana pancake! YUM! I made the pancake batter with coconut flour, which is a great source of fiber and egg whites which add protein. I used a small pan and made one big pancake; if you would prefer to make small pancakes try it out!

Fried Banana-Coconut Pancake

Fried Bananas:
1 banana, 1/2" thick slices
1 tbsp unrefined coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon

Pancake Batter:
2 Tbsp coconut flour
4 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla
~1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 tsp cinnamon

Raspberry or Blueberry Chia Sauce:
1/4 cup frozen raspberries or blueberries
1 Tbsp chia seeds

1. Coat banana slices in cinnamon. Heat coconut to medium-high heat in a small pan; "fry" bananas in coconut oil until browned on one side, then flip.

2. After flipping bananas, add batter over the bananas. Put lid on and cook for 3-4 minutes over medium-high heat; then using a plate or large spatula, flip pancake over to brown the other side for 1-2 minutes.

3. For blueberry sauce, in a microwaveable safe bowl, microwave for 40 sec, add chia seeds & mash with a fork; put in microwave for 30 more seconds until hot.

4. Plate pancake and top with sauce. YUM!

A paleo approved, no sugar added, gluten free, and dairy free breakfast! 

What I love about using the fried bananas in this recipe, is while you are eating the pancake you come across yummy friend banana pieces! 

P.s.  I woke up this morning to the first snow of the season! It hasn't stuck to the ground but it is sticking on top of my car and our roof. 

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